HyperioN V

accretion Disc

Cover image of Accretion Disc (SPM-9105)

Envisioning a futuristic science fiction soundworld, veteran Spotted Peccary artists Ben Cox and Thomas Park (aka Mystified) joined forces with new artist Plexus creating a collaboration aptly named Hyperion V, and crafting their first project: Accretion Disc.

Accretion Disc is a gripping interstellar journey that moves fluidly between atmospheric soundscapes and propulsive grooves, traversing the space-time continuum, alluding to the staggering emptiness of space and the adventurous thrill of daring to cross it.

Now available on popular streaming and download services.

Track Listing

Astasis (4:26)
Surface Gravity (4:06)
Lagrangian Point (4:08)
Spectroscopic Binary (4:37)
Baryogenesis (5:49)
Deep Sky Object (4:44)
Oumuamua (4:23)
Synchronous Orbit (5:02)
Protoplanet (4:38)
Graviton (3:15)
Flare Star (5:24)
Coronal Mass Ejection (6:32)